Friday, November 30, 2007

Burn, baby, burn...

Haley: "Katie, are you going to go to you-know-what?"
Katie: "To hell?"

Not what I wanted...

Katie: "Rebekah, say something funny!"
Rebekah: "Funny."

Or maybe not...

"Oswald and Katie, sitting in a tree..."--Haley

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No comment...

Me: "Waxing. Yuck!"
Haley: "NO! No, Katie, NO! It's worse to sleep with a hairball!"

Monday, November 26, 2007

That would be why....

Haley: "Katie, why are you an apricot? Because you're orange?"
Katie: "Yes."

Painted Lady

"My lips! Forever they will be stained!"--Haley

Very adamant about fruityness...

"No, no! You can not be a banana! No!"--Haley

And why would you want that?

"Grandma, my lips won't come off!"--Haley

So Humble

"I've never been wrong before, so it's kind of scaring me."--Mel

Don't be so hard on yourself... :)

"I find my face amusing"--Haley

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Something to chew on....

"Nothing like gum and money to make someone happy....
and the word of God."